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At Rs 33,000, per capita debt in India increases by 23%

-The Economic Times The per capita income may have gone up by 14% during the last financial year, but the debt burden on every Indian - in the form of the government's debt - went up by 23%, latest official estimates show. According to finance ministry data, the per capita debt in India was estimated at nearly Rs 33,000 at the end of March 2012, compared to a little over Rs 26,600...

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No role for govt in land acquisition-Liz Mathew & Elizabeth Roche

Cabinet clears change in divorce law: Women to get part of husband’s property In a move that could be a setback to land acquisition for commercial use, a parliamentary committee unanimously recommended that the government should not acquire land for industrial, commercial or for-profit enterprises or private companies. Instead, the panel, which has proposed legislation favouring landowners, recommends that private companies and public-private partnerships would have to buy land in the open...

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Centre plans amendments to push through Lokpal Bill

-The Hindu Amendments to be introduced to Lokpal Bill in the RS on May 21 or 22 The government is expected to introduce a few amendments to the pending Lokpal Bill in the Rajya Sabha either on Monday or Tuesday, when it is expected to be moved for consideration and passage. A key amendment pertains to de-linking of Lokayuktas from Lokpal. Regional parties are opposed to creation of Lokayukta as proposed by...

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UPA struggles to put life into annual report-Sanjay K Jha

The UPA II’s third anniversary on May 22 may witness a repackaging of old schemes, promises and achievements in the “Report to the people” as the government has little to show for 2011-12. Sources say the 13-chapter report struggles to contest the perception of policy paralysis by pointing out social-sector initiatives based primarily on welfare schemes launched during the UPA I regime or in the first year of UPA II. The government...

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Rich club parallel in hands-off land advice-Basant Kumar Mohanty

A parliamentary panel has cited the practice in developed countries to reject a key provision in the land acquisition Bill allowing the government to acquire plots for private companies. The committee said in the US, Japan and Canada, land is purchased by private enterprises, not acquired by the state. Why should India continue this “anomalous practice”, asked the parliamentary standing committee on rural development in its report on the Land Acquisition,...

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