-The Indian Express New Delhi: In the Manmohan Singh PMO, the CPIO was K Salil Kumar and the First Appellate Authority was Krishna Kumar. Moments after Narendra Modi took oath on May 26, the Prime Minister's Office instantly launched a new version of its website http://www.pmindia.gov.in and http://www.pmindia.nic.in but 15 days later it's yet to disclose key details required under the Right to Information Act. These include: names of officers designated as Central Public Information...
The Idyll-Maker Who Built Timbaktu -Swati Sharma
-The New Indian Express Back in 1989, the area near Chennakothapalli village of Anantapur (the second driest area in India) in Andhra Pradesh was a wasteland. Till C K Ganguly (Bablu) and Mary Vattamattam chanced upon it in 1991 and saw its immense potential to blossom into a green paradise. The couple, along with friend John D'Souza, then bought 32 acres of this barren land. Inspired by Japanese author Masanobu Fufuoka's seminal...
More »The battle for toilets and minds -Rukmini S
-The Hindu The official sanitation policy has been uniquely focussed on building toilets. But the connection between good health and using toilets has not yet been made When the road in front of his house is finally laid, in Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh, Ramesh Kumar hopes he will get permission to set up a small shop in a Corner of his compound. Another Corner will have a temple, as his father wants. To...
More »Agroecological approach for sustenance -Andrea Stone
-The New York Times Small-scale farmers in the developing world, using low-tech sustainable agricultural techniques, may just hold the key to ensuring global food security, writes Andrea Stone The challenge is huge but the solution may be small, very small. Faced with global warming and a population that will swell to 9 billion by 2050, a growing number of experts say that the way to feed the masses as climate change makes...
More »Weak traffic laws powerless against irresponsible driving: Sunita Narain
-The Times of India Gopinath Munde's tragic and untimely death is one more desperate wake-up call for road safety in India. For me, the news was particularly distressing as seven months ago, it was on the same road-Aurobindo Marg-that my cycle was hit by a reversing car. I was lucky that Good Samaritans picked me up and took me to the same Jai Prakash Narayan Apex Trauma Center at AIIMS where...
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