-The Hindu Chief Secretary instructs State officials to take preparatory measures Uttar Pradesh is staring at a Drought, the senior-most official in the State has said. Noting that the State received low rainfall during the monsoon, Chief Secretary Rajiv Kumar has instructed divisional commissioners and district magistrates to brace for a “potential Drought”. Mr. Kumar has instructed officials to coordinate with all departments and take “necessary steps on a priority basis”. The Chief Secretary has...
Development At Extreme Close Up -Sunil Bahri
-Outlook Jholawala Dreze’s ‘research for action’ gets close to the people at the end of public policy. These essays urge greater collaboration between activists and economists. SENSE AND SOLIDARITY: JHOLAWALA ECONOMICS FOR EVERYONEBY JEAN DREZE PERMANENT BLACK | PAGES: 354 | RS. 795 Manmohan Singh attracted much lampooning and ridicule during and after his ten-year-long tenure as PM for the nature of the relationship of his government with 10, Janpath. One of the...
More »India's criminal wastage: over 10 million works under MGNREGA incomplete or abandoned -Richard Mahapatra
-Down to Earth Since April 2014, the rate of work completion has been declining at rapid pace, indicating that crucial assets for villages are not getting created In the last three and half years, the rate of work completion under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) has drastically declined, leading to wastage of public money and leaving villages more prone to Drought. This could also be a reason...
More »India's new wetland rules threaten to destroy 65% of its water bodies rather than protect them -Nityanand Jayaraman
-Scroll.in Notified in September, the rules will facilitate the development of wetlands as real estate, industrial sites and garbage dump After ignoring repeated directions from the Supreme Court to notify stricter rules to protect the country’s wetlands, the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change has gone and done just the opposite. On September 26, it published the Wetlands (Conservation & Management) Rules, 2017 – replacing the older rules dating back to...
More »The case for a rural stimulus -Himanshu
-Livemint.com It is clear that not only has the govt failed to do anything to revive the sagging rural demand, it has also refused to acknowledge the demand problem The fact that the economy is on a downward slide is no longer a matter of debate. It is neither a technical issue nor is it a transient blip which will go away on its own. However, matters are complicated as far as...
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