On a day when the Andhra Pradesh High Court struck down job reservation for Muslims, the West Bengal government on Monday announced 10 per cent quota in employment for the community under the OBC category. The state government declared the quota for the Muslims who were educationally, socially and economically backward in the state. "We have decided to accept the recommendations of the Ranganath Mishra Commission and will take steps...
State to adopt 50% quota for women by Amit Gupta
In a bid to ensure participation of more women in politics, the state government has proposed changing the present legislation to reserve 50 per cent seats in rural bodies for women. Deputy chief minister Sudesh Mahto, who also holds the panchayati raj portfolio, has already given his consent to the proposal, which, however, has to be passed by the state cabinet. “We are working on the proposal to grant 50...
More »Indigenous people worldwide facing genocide, says new UN report
A United Nations report titled The State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples says the indigenous people and tribes worldwide are facing extinction and exploitation due to threats of displacement and dispossession of their lands, territories and resources. It takes note of the displacement of thousands of families of the Santhal Adivasis in the Indian State of Jharkhand as a result of extraction of minerals, without proper compensation or economic security. The...
More »In the worst-affected Naxal areas, govt schemes are the hardest hit by Amitabh Sinha, Ravish Tiwari
As states get together to launch security operations, official data from the first-ever study done of the country’s 33 districts hardest hit by Naxalites, shows an abysmal record of government expenditure on basic amenities, including health, education, roads, electricity and child care. In fact, the evidence couldn’t be more stark: the expenditure in a state’s Naxal-affected districts is merely a fraction of the figure for the rest of the state...
More »SCs, STs in BPL list under study by K Balchand
The Centre is contemplating direct inclusion of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and minorities in the next below poverty line (BPL) list for entitlement of benefits under social welfare schemes. Inaugurating the two-day 10th Editors Conference on Social Sector Issues 2010 here on Monday, Minister for Rural Development C.P. Joshi said his Ministry was formulating the methodology and criteria to identify families to be included in the BPL list. The objective...
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