-The Hindu Business Line SHGs pave the road to financial independence in UP villages Three years ago, Simrikha Devi’s eightyear-old son made an unusual request. He asked for hundred rupees to buy biscuits,knowing well that his mother, a daily wager, would have to scrounge for the money. Although she was taken aback, Simrikha gave him the money. Her curiosity grew further when he returned with a bag of biscuit packets and began hawking...
Bringing PDS out of the abyss -Anjali Bhardwaj and Amrita Johri
-Deccan Herald System overhaul: Transparency measures with strong accountability mechanisms can usher in change The National Food Security Act (NFSA) passed in 2013 gives statutory backing to the Public Distribution System (PDS). Up to 75% of the rural population and 50% of the urban population is entitled to receive food grain under the Act. Beneficiaries are categorised into priority households, entitled to 5 kg of subsidised grains per person per month, and Antyodaya...
More »Income Tax officials unsure how to slap 200% penalty on income mismatch -Kiran Kabtta Somvanshi & Sugata Ghosh
-The Economic Times MUMBAI: As India struggles with demonetization, individuals and businesses are using old currency notes to settle debts while income tax officials are at a loss how to go about imposing 200% penalty -- as announced by a senior finance ministry official -- on such funds flowing into banks. Firms are clearing dues to suppliers, depositing cash in bank accounts to repay old loans, and buying memberships of clubs, SPAs...
More »SC recipe for 'fake encounters' is harsh, ranges from probe to death penalty for cops -Krishnadas Rajagopal
-The Hindu New Delhi: As videos of the alleged police encounter of eight SIMI men who broke out of the Bhopal Central Jail continue to raise demands for a judicial probe, a series of Supreme Court judgments show that the law is heavily, even fatally, loaded against police officers found guilty of 'fake encounters'. One of the judgments even recommends death penalty to “trigger-happy” cops and compares them to Nazi war criminals...
More »What SC says: No automatic right to shoot -R Balaji
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Supreme Court had recently said security forces had no inherent right to shoot people, which suggests that yesterday's killing of the eight Simi operatives by Madhya Pradesh police went against that ruling. The court had held that even if a person was seen carrying weapons in a "disturbed" area, it did not automatically give the security forces the right to shoot him. Even the army had no blanket...
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