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A grassroots revolution -Rob Jenkins

-The Hindu Business Line Ten years on, the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act endures because it provides the poor a political voice February 2016 marks a decade since India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 (NREGA) came into force. NREGA is both revolutionary and modest; it promises every rural household one hundred days of employment annually on public-works projects, but the labour is taxing and pays minimum wage, at best. Many charges have...

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Unequal by birth: time to break the vicious cycle -K Srinath Reddy

-The Hindu We cannot permit gross inequality-linked deprivation to leave its malign signature on the lives of those who are yet to come. As long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of the markets and financial speculation, and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution can be found for the world’s problems. Inequality is the root of social ills. —...

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How realistic are promises of doubling farm incomes? -Roshan Kishore A useful way to judge the feasibility of Arun Jaitley’s targets can be to look at how such indicators have behaved in the past While announcing an increase in rural spending, finance minister Arun Jaitley also set himself a target of doubling “the income of farmers by 2022” in this year’s budget. Laudable as the ambition is, how achievable is it? FIRst, there is the question of nominal versus real increase...

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How Twitter helped create Brand Modi -Samarth Bansal

-The Hindu A recent study by researchers at the University of Michigan, published in the Economic and Political Weekly, provides insights into how Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s online image was constructed and evolved over time. By analysing data from @narendramodi Twitter handle — official account of Mr. Modi — researchers found that a combination of carefully crafted tweets and strategic follow-backs to other Twitter accounts helped Modi build a powerful online...

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Budget 2016: At the time of deepening distress, govt's rural push may not be adequate -Nilachala Acharya The preliminary reactions of many people after the Budget presentation gave the impression that farm sector got a boost in terms of a significant increase in budget outlays for the sector. But a closer look reveals that behind this apparent increase is the accounting adjustment of funds for interest subvention, earlier reported under the Ministry of Finance, now shown under the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2014-15, actual spending by the Department...

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