Total Matching Records found : 10125

Pressure group fillip for PDS

-The Statesman   Koraput (Odisha): In order to foster greater food security among the community, pressure groups have been formed at village, gram panchayat and block level in Kundra block of Koraput district. The group will be supported by well-known NGO, CYSD. "The main role of the pressure groups is to strengthen the advocacy process and facilitate better access to the Public Distribution System (PDS).These groups conduct meeting and interaction regularly to discuss...

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Corruption in Indian Medicine Or ‘Overenthusiasm of the Marketing Department -Sanjay Nagral

-Economic and Political Weekly Corruption in Indian medicine is back on the front pages. One would think that there has been an abrupt spurt in corrupt practices or a major scandal. Nothing of that sort has happened. However, there have been some interesting developments for the focus to shift back to what is really a very old affliction. This is an update on recent happenings as the entrepreneurial spirit of the...

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Efficient farming can feed 3 billion more people worldwide, says study -Rajit Sengupta

-Down to Earth Targeted efforts to make food systems more efficient can also reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture Basic calorie need of 3 billion extra people can be met if food systems are made more efficient through targeted efforts, suggests a new report. What's more, the targeted efforts will also help reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture. The report by researchers from the University of Minnesota, and published in the peer reviewed...

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Dalits and nutrition: Where is the catch up? -Biraj Swain

-Down to Earth Blog The performance of nutrition indicators amongst Dalits is improving, it is nowhere near the catch-up pace Does a new government and a strong Prime Minister claiming to hail from the backward caste augur Achche Din for Dalits too? We hope so! But political commitment-or lack of it-has multiple manifestations. In a deeply stratified society like India with entrenched elitism, people from the Scheduled Caste (referred to as Dalits...

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UPA’s Aadhaar, DBT schemes get boost from PM Modi -Ruhi Tewari

-The Indian Express Modi on July 5 made clear his intention to retain and push the schemes. In a decisive push to the UPA government's Aadhaar project and Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT) scheme by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself, his office has directed the Planning Commission to collect data on these schemes in 300 priority districts and submit a status report by August 15. According to government sources, the directive was issued...

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