-PTI Mayo College Ajmer, among the most reputable schools in the country, has said the 25 per cent quota for students from underprivileged families does not apply to it as it is a boarding school. Under the Right to Education Act, all schools barring unaided minority institutions have to reserve 25 per seats for students from the weaker sections. However, there is no clarity yet on boarding schools. Appearing for the Mayo College...
Children see unshackling device in RTE-Shruthi HM
-The Deccan Herald 25 pc quota in pvt schools will open floodgates of opportunities, say children Private school managements have decided to seek an year’s time for the implementation of the Supreme Court order over providing 25 per cent reservation for students from “weaker sections”. With hardly a month left for the new academic year to start, officials have their hands full, trying to figure out the best way to implement the Right...
More »Indians don't feel 'engaged' at work: Survey
-The Economic Times A record high of 31% of Indian adults - or about 240 million Indians - rate their lives poorly enough to be considered 'suffering', according to the 2012 Gallup research released Monday at the Behavioral Economics Forum in New Delhi. This is against 24% "suffering" in 2011. Engagement in Indian workplaces is also a concern, with 8% of Indians who are employed for an employer being engaged, versus 32%...
More »Call to stem dipping sex ratio-Radhika Ramaseshan
The National Advisory Council has asked the Centre to formulate a national policy to stem the declining sex ratio at birth that it believed was “located at the complex interface of the status of women in Indian society, patriarchal social mores and prejudice, spread and misuse of medical technology and the changing aspirations of urban and rural society”. The council’s draft recommendations — prepared by members Farah Naqvi and A.K. Shiva...
More »Inflation takes away ‘feel good factor’, one-third Indians suffering: Survey-Sidhartha
High inflation and moderate economic growth seem to have taken away the "feel good" factor for many Indians. Gallup's Financial Wellbeing Index, released on Monday, showed that 31% of Indians rated their present and future lives as "suffering" compared to 24% in 2011. Similarly, only around 13% said that they are "thriving" compared to 21% a year ago. The biggest jump in the "suffering lot" is in the middle 20% population, where...
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