-PTI Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit on Friday termed the "horrific assault" on the 23-year-old girl as "most painful" incident for her since she assumed the top post in the capital and said she personally favoured death penalty for rapists. She said she hated Delhi being called "rape capital" of India and stressed that "something concrete" must be done to instill confidence among women in the city against the growing fear of...
Women Journalists' Group Submits Memorandum to CM
-Outlook In the backdrop of the brutal rape of a 23-year-old paramedical student in the city, the Indian Women's Press Corps today met Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit and demanded systemic and institutional interventions to check the rising crimes against women in the capital. A four-member delegation of the IWPC comprising president T K Rajalakshmi, general secretary Mannika Chopra, vice president Shobhna Jain and senior columnist Neerja Chowdhury met the CM and submitted...
More »Delhi gang-rape: Harsh punishment possible under law
-DNA Social networking sites are abuzz with the cry of death penalty for the accused of the Delhi gang rape case. However, the major sections applied in the case, which include 376 (2) (G) (gang rape), 377 (unnatural sex), 307 (attempt to murder) and 201 (destruction of evidence) read with 34 (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code, will attract a maximum punishment of life imprisonment for the accused. The sessions court,...
More »EU Parliament asks India to protect Dalits -Divya Trivedi
-The Hindu The European Parliament in Strasbourg on Thursday conducted an hour-long debate over the persistence of human rights violations against Dalits in India. While acknowledging the efforts at various levels to eradicate caste discrimination, the Parliament however, expressed alarm at the continually large number of reported and unreported atrocities and widespread untouchability practices, such as manual scavenging. On its previous resolutions on the issue (February 2007 and April 2012), the Parliament noted...
More »‘One Billion Rising’ campaign launched in Rajasthan -Mahim Pratap Singh
-The Hindu Jaipur: Twenty-five years have passed since Rajasthan witnessed its last known case of sati; it has been 20 years since Bhanwri Devi of Bhateri was allegedly gang-raped for raising her voice against girl child marriages; and it took 15 years for a gang-rape victim in the J.C. Bose hostel rape case to get justice. With these “landmarks” serving as a background, the ‘One Billion Rising’ campaign was launched in Rajasthan...
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