-The Hindu The public transport system is the most effective way of reducing the number of vehicles as well as emissions Prime Minister manmohan singh recently launched the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP), 2020 with an ambitious goal of shifting to electric propulsion for surface transport. This would reduce our dependence on diesel and petrol and lead to lower emission levels, including carbon-di-oxide emission, which is one of the major contributors...
Panel Cautions Govt Against Rushing Into FTA Eith EU
-Outlook As the India and the EU negotiate a free trade agreement, a Parliamentary panel today cautioned against its early signing and asked Prime Minister manmohan singh to wait for the committee's report before finalising it. Chairman of the Department Related Parliamentary Committee on Commerce Shanta Kumar has written to Prime Minister today asking him not to rush through the EU-India Broad based Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA) before the panel gives...
More »Away from home, manmohan singh admits to gender insecurity in India-Vidya Subrahmaniam
-The Hindu ‘We have drafted a Bill to deal with violence against women' Berlin: India on Thursday found itself once again in the dock on its high maternal and child mortality rates. The embarrassment happened in full view of the world press which had assembled to hear manmohan singh and Angela Merkel on the outcomes of the Indo-German Inter-Governmental Consultations. Replying to a specific question by a German journalist, the Prime Minister admitted...
More »World abolishing death penalty, but executions on rise in India -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India Fewer countries are carrying out executions than a decade ago, but India along with nations like Gambia, Pakistan and Japan bucked the trend to resume handing out death penalties. An Amnesty International report says that 21 countries executed convicts last year as compared to 28 in 2003. But there is greater concern that Indian courts had meted out at least 78 death sentences with more than 400 estimated...
More »Indian patent rulings may face legal heat internationally -Soma Das
-The Economic Times The recent patent rulings in India may get frequently challenged in international courts if the government yields to the European Union's demand of including matters related to intellectual property in the investors-state dispute mechanism in their proposed trade pact, health activist groups have warned. An investor-state dispute resolution mechanism typically allows foreign investors to sue countries for compensation if national laws, policies, court rulings of the country infringe upon...
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