-The Indian Express Karnataka’s experience shows success depends on taking along all stakeholders. The government of India launched the National Agricultural Market Scheme in July 2015 in 585 markets and has, since April 14, started e-trading on the platform. This is in line with the Union Budget’s target to double farmers’ incomes in six years. To be sure, a doubling of incomes by 2022 would require them to grow at an annual...
Why sugarcane can’t be blamed for Marathwada drought woes -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express Every crisis produces its fall guy. This time, it is sugarcane that’s bearing the brunt of the blame for drought, especially in Maharashtra’s worst-affected Marathwada region. Sugarcane, no doubt, requires 2,100-2,200 mm of water, more than the 1,400 mm or so for paddy, 900 mm for cotton, 600 mm for jowar (sorghum) and arhar (pigeon-pea), 550 mm for wheat, and under 500 mm for soyabean and chana (chickpea). But then,...
More »Poor back-to-back monsoons, coupled with depleting reservoirs and a heatwave have hit rural India hard -Sutanuka Ghosal, PK Krishnakumar, Madhvi Sally & Jayashree Bhosale
-The Economic Times PUNE | NEW DELHI | KOCHI | KOLKATA: Farmers in Kasegaon, a village in south Maharashtra, have been spending Rs 20 crore every month to make sure their grape orchards get enough water — without irrigation, the crop would shrivel up and die. But they're luckier than some of their counterparts elsewhere in the country — at least there's water to be had, albeit at a stiff price. Two...
More »Centre to start work on Kharif 2016 strategy next week
-The Hindu Business Line New Delhi: The Centre will work out a strategy for crop production for the coming kharif cropping season keeping in mind the recent crop damage due to unseasonal rain and moisture stress and deficit monsoon last year. The strategy will be thrashed out at a national conference on kharif 2016 next week. The kharif cropping season is from July to October during the South-West monsoon. “The South-West monsoon of the...
More »Indian agriculture yet to catch up with neighbours on public spending, indicates IFPRI report
Amidst the prevailing gloominess over agrarian crisis, a recently released report says that the growth rate of agricultural output in both India and China were the same during 2008-2013. The agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) of both these countries on an average grew at 3.3 percent per annum during that period. The latest available data from the 2016 Global Food Policy Report, however, indicates that the neighbouring countries of Sri Lanka...
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