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Poor harvest and EU ban on Indian mangoes worry farmers -Vinaya Deshpande

-The Hindu Mumbai: The season of the king of fruits - Alphonso mangoes - has finally arrived, but not with a bang. This year, varying weather conditions have led to a loss of at least 60 per cent crop, say farmers. But the customers may not feel the pinch till the end of May, as the peak season is to begin only next month. "I expect the prices to come down next...

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Making place for women -Mini KaPoor

-The Indian Express If parties are sincere about the women's reservation bill, why hasn't there been a minimal debate about its flaws and possibilities? The Congress manifesto commits the party to "the enactment of the Women's Reservation Bill to reserve 33 per cent of all seats in Parliament and state legislative assemblies for women". Other parties are sure to have similar, perhaps even more time-bound, pledges. Those of us who thought that once...

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Scoring Child Nutrition in India: Measuring the Performance of States -Victor Aguayo, Gayatri Singh, and Nina Badgaiyan

-Economic and Political Weekly   Essential nutrition interventions are found to be strongly associated with lower under-nutrition levels in India. This is shown by constructing and comparing a child undernutrition index and child nutrition score, both of which use data from India's latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3). The CUI indicates that 16 of the 28 states have high or very high levels of child under-nutrition. The CNS indicates that 24 states...

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Farmers of Andhra Pradesh release their agenda for 2014 elections-M Suchitra

-Down to Earth Demand income security and sustainability, and redressal of grievances relating to land matters which they say are the biggest source of corruption and mis-governance The apathy of successive governments of Andhra Pradesh towards the deepening agrarian crisis has resulted in farmers groups organising themselves to put pressure on political parties during election time. The Rythu Swarajya Vedika, an umbrella organisation of various farmers' groups and non-profits working in the...

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Explaining the Anger

-Economic and Political Weekly   What explains the erosion of support for the ruling combine at a time of rising human development indices? Ten years is long enough for an elected government to lose public faith and the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) has done much, both in acts of omission and commission, to ensure a steady erosion of support among the electorate. Large-scale corruption, the incompetence of the government in handling many important...

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