-Outlook Nearly Rs 1.71 crore have been spent on foreign visits of Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, her cabinet colleagues and members of the Assembly in the past nine years. According to an RTI reply, Dikshit, her ministers and MLAs undertook around 57 foreign visits including to the US, the UK, Spain, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Germany and Switzerland and an amount of Rs 1.71 crore was spent between 2004 and October 2012. As...
'Set up agri clinics to address farmers' needs'
-The Times of India VADODARA/ ANAND: Agri-clinic-cum-agri-business centres that address the needs of farming families should be set up across the country. Father of India's Green Revolution professor M S Swaminathan advocated this on Monday. Eminent geneticist and member of Parliament in Rajya Sabha, professor Swaminathan said this while delivering the first Dr Verghese Kurien Memorial Lecture at the Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA). IRMA has constituted the memorial lecture series which...
More »Listen to the CACP
-The Business Standard Govt must stop open-ended procurement of wheat It is not often that the government asks the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) to review its report on the pricing and marketing policy for wheat — though the commission’s recommendations have been overlooked in the past to factor in political considerations while fixing minimum support prices (MSP). The present controversy over wheat- marketing policies concerns chiefly two issues....
More »Chill of hike freeze-Meghdeep Bhattacharyya
-The Telegraph Kolkata: Owners of potato cold storages today announced a day’s shutdown on Monday and threatened a longer agitation to protest the Mamata Banerjee government’s refusal to allow a rent hike. Many officials termed this as another instance of the “populist” government’s reluctance to raise tariffs. “The rent is our only source of income. Overhead costs have spiralled in the past two years. But the government is not allowing us to increase...
More »Putting their name on grain of rice -Snehlata Shrivastav
-The Times of India NAGPUR: Talodhi, a village in Chandrapur district, is emerging as a centre for 'rice breeding' in literal sense. Two retired agricultural scientists from city, a big farming family from the village, the Poshattiwars, and some local farmers have joined hands in developing new genetically pure varieties from locally available varieties. It would not be an exaggeration if Poshattiwars and their team of farmers are called 'farmer scientists' as...
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