-PTI Eleven of the 18 Uttarakhand Police personnel, accused in the 2009 fake encounter case of MBA student Ranbir Singh in Dehradun, on Tuesday surrendered before a Delhi court which sent them to jail. The accused policemen surrendered before Special CBI Judge V.K. Maheshwari in pursuance of the non-bailable warrants issued against them in May this year. “They be taken in custody and sent to judicial custody,” the court said. The accused personnel...
CVC's reference to CBI puts PMO under cloud-Rakesh K Singh
-The Pioneer In what could puncture the Government’s defence that there were no irregularities in the allocation of coal blocks when the Coal Ministry was under the charge of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has specifically asked the CBI to look into the role of Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and the Screening Committee of the Coal Ministry. The CVC has also asked the agency to probe why auction...
More »CBI stumbles upon appointment scam under NRHM
-The Hindustan Times The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probing the multi-crore National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam on Saturday registered a fresh case relating to selective appointment of more than 100 chief medical officers (CMOs) in 72 districts of Uttar Pradesh. The appointments — in total disregard of rules — were made by then ministers Babu Singh Kushwaha and Anant Kumar Mishra in collusion with private contractors to ensure that...
More »CBI judge in the dock for taking bribe to grant bail to Reddy-KV Ramana
Giving a twist to the series of probes by the CBI and the queue by the accused to secure bail from lower courts, a CBI court judge was suspended by the Andhra Pradesh high court for allegedly accepting bribe to grant bail to mining baron Gali Janardhan Reddy. The high court on Thursday suspended T Pattabhirama Rao, first additional special judge for CBI cases, Hyderabad. However, the high court did not...
More »DCP’s statement recorded over RTI activist’s murder
-The Hindustan Times The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Friday recorded the statement of deputy commissioner of police (Zone 9) Pratap Dighavkar for eight hours in connection with the murder of Pune-based RTI activist Satish Shetty. Dighavkar was the superintendent of police (Pune rural) when Shetty was murdered on January 13, 2010 in Talegaon-Dabhade. A senior CBI official confirmed that Dighavkar's statement was recorded by the central agency at its Pune...
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