-CNN-IBN Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has condemned the anti-Hindi agitation cartoon and demanded its immediate removal, saying that projecting the anti-Hindi agitation as "violence" is simply unacceptable. She also said that the cartoon suggesting that Tamil students did not understand English hurt Tamil sentiment. There has been a row in Tamil Nadu against a cartoon on the anti-Hindi agitation of 1965, featured in the NCERT textbooks. "Projecting anti-Hindi agitation as...
India needs cross media restrictions-Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
The ASCI report says there is ample evidence of “market dominance” in specific media markets, but the government has ignored the report for three years. A ministry official tells PARANJOY GUHA THAKURTA that it is unlikely to be implemented. A report prepared by an independent institution recommending imposition of cross-media ownership restrictions recently entered the public domain nearly three years after it was submitted, following a rebuke to the government by...
More »A lesson in rural schooling for state-Antara Bose
Jamshedpur, June 10: For a people who have clung to next-door Bengal for healthcare for years, setting up a self-run school — English medium, no less — may well be just another way out of elusive state welfare measures. The 700-odd population of 19 villages that make up Gopalpur panchayat, 80km from Jamshedpur in East Singhbhum’s rebel-hit Baharagora block, have made up its mind to do just that. The primary schools, at...
More »NCERT textbook cartoon stokes anger in Tamil Nadu by B Kolappan
It relates to the anti-Hindi agitation in the State; politicians say it depicts the student agitators in a poor light Just as the controversy over a cartoon on B.R. Ambedkar in a textbook prepared by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is settling down, another row has erupted over a cartoon in a class XII Political Science text book of the NCERT. The cartoon relates to the anti-Hindi...
More »The Man Who Wore a Sanitary Napkin-Elizabeth Kuruvilla
-Open the Magazine Villagers saw him cleaning his undergarments stained with goat blood and thought he had a sexual disease. But Arunachalam Muruganantham was only trying to make a smart, cheap sanitary pad for his wife I am perhaps the only man to have ever worn a sanitary napkin. I am the only man who understands what a woman endures during those days. The wetness. The discomfort. The constant fear of stains....
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