-Scroll.in The non-profit group said that while the wealth of Indian billionaires rose by Rs 30 lakh crore during pandemic, over 4.6 crore people fell to extreme poverty. The income of 84% Indian households declined in 2021 while the number of billionaires in the country grew from 102 to 142 during the last year, non-profit group Oxfam said in a report released on Sunday. In its report titled “Inequality Kills”, Oxfam said that...
बुंदेलखंड में कुपोषण की समस्या पर नीति निर्माताओं को जरूर देखना चाहिए!
हाल की मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स यह बताती हैं कि आगामी उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा चुनाव से पहले उत्तर प्रदेश के बुंदेलखंड क्षेत्र को लगभग रु. 6,300 करोड़ की परियोजनाओं की घोषणाएं की गई हैं, जिनमें झांसी में टैंक रोधी मिसाइलों के प्रणोदन प्रणाली के लिए 400 करोड़ रुपये का संयंत्र भी शामिल है. 18 नवंबर, 2021 को झांसी नोड (उत्तर प्रदेश रक्षा औद्योगिक गलियारे से संबंधित) में पहली परियोजना के लिए नींव...
More »COVID-19: 'Dry cough means Delta and wet can be Omicron', say experts
-The New Indian Express The other crucial indicators of Omicron are fever not beyond 101 degrees for less than five days and headaches that are stabbing, and a scratchy throat. HYDERABAD: One key marker that distinguishes Delta from the Omicron variant is the manner in which cough manifests, noted doctors from AIG Hospitals. They said that based on known research and their personal observations of patients they have treated, most Delta variant...
More »Development projects should look beyond low-hanging fruits to bring about actual change -Rohit Rakshit
-Down to Earth Bihar needs to strengthen and enhance capacities of Gram Panchayats to realise the gains of a decentralised planning Imagine yourself living for ages in a remote village inside a dense forest in the 21st century. Basic amenities such as proper roads, safe drinking water, Healthcare and education facilities are missing. The nearest primary school and Health centre is located at a distance of seven kilometres. You have to trek through...
More »WHO Doesn’t Trust India’s COVID-19 Death Figures: Prabhat Jha -Karan Thapar
-TheWire.in In an interview with Karan Thapar, the epidemiologist said the reason the WHO doesn’t trust India’s COVID-19 death count is because the undercounting is substantially greater than in other countries. Prabhat Jha, one of the world’s most highly regarded epidemiologists, has said that the World Health Organisation (WHO) does not trust India’s COVID-19 death figures and, therefore, when it made its first estimate of global deaths, it did not include India’s...
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