-The Hindu "Animal behaviour," was the unusual language the Supreme Court deployed recently. The context for the cryptic remarks was the gruesome lathi-charge on protesting teachers, predominantly women, engaged on contract by the Bihar government, and the attacks on a woman who sought police intervention in a case of assault. The police carry a long and ignominious record of resort to indiscriminate force to quell Peaceful protesters, which peaked in the...
In Bastar, CRPF launches a soft offensive to win over villagers-Suvojit Bagchi
-The Hindu It joins hands with AIIMS to offer health services to villagers Raipur: Maoists as well as security forces have hit upon new strategies to gain an upper hand in the ongoing conflict. The latest one - to check the influence of rebels - has come from the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). It is not at all a military manoeuvre, but an offer of medical assistance to villagers in the Maoist-controlled...
More »Looms fall silent in silk town -Umanand Jaiswal
-The Telegraph Sualkuchi: The sound of wood striking wood was missing, as was the sight of intricate and colourful patterns on silk taking shape on the loom. This silk town, around 35km from Guwahati and on the North Bank of the Brahmaputa, seemed to have lost its raison d'etre - producing silk products of fame - after the invasion of similar products bearing the name of another town on the bank of...
More »Bengal's panchayat poll face-off -Sulagna Sengupta
-The Indian Express Kolkata: West Bengal's notification for the panchayat elections marks a flash point in an ongoing tussle between the Mamata Banerjee government and the state election commission. The government notification, issued last week independently of the election authorities, has declared polls in two phases, on April 26 and 30. The election commission, headed by Meera Pandey, has been insisting on three phases. On Monday, the commission wrote to the government...
More »Where khaki makes way for saffron-Sudipto Mondal
-The Hindu The Sunday Story A series of audacious attacks on minorities and their institutions in Dakshina Kannada indicate police patronage for the perpetrators There is a significant body of evidence to show that the rampant acts of vigilantism witnessed in coastal Karnataka enjoy police patronage. Take, for instance, the July 28 Mangalore Homestay attack. While seeking bail from the High Court for journalist Naveen Soorinje, who was listed as an accused by...
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