-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Friday refused to interfere with the Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand poll schedule announced by the Election Commission (EC). A Bench of Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia and Justices A.K. Patnaik and Swatanter Kumar dismissed a public interest writ petition seeking rescheduling of the Assembly elections, holding that it was not for the court to decide the schedule. Petitioner C. P. Vyas said that while the U.P. Assembly elections...
Centre prods states to hire secondary teachers by Basant Kumar Mohanty
The human resource development ministry has asked all states to assess how many additional teachers are required at the secondary level under a new teacher-student ratio worked out for Classes IX and X. The states have also been told to start a mapping exercise to find out the requirement for new secondary schools in every district. Sources said the 1:32 teacher-student formula and the push for new schools were aimed at addressing...
More »Poor facilities no constraint for good schools in Jaunpur
-IANS Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh), Jan 9: Broken roads and power cuts have failed to deter people in their drive for education in this eastern Uttar Pradesh district. They have set up more than 30 schools and technical institutes for youth of the area. If you drive between Imran Ganj to Guraini in the Shahganj sub-division of the district -- a distance of some 10 km -- you can count about 40 schools...
More »Enhance incomes, education and sanitation to tackle malnutrition
-The Economic Times It is a shame, said the Prime Minister, releasing a new report that says 42% of India's children suffer from malnutrition. Dr Manmohan Singh went on to talk of the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), the government's preferred scheme for tackling the problem, and of the need to to focus on 100 extremely backward districts. An ICDS-like scheme is entirely appropriate but it would be a big mistake to...
More »'Introducing religion in school syllabus is UNTHINKABLE' by Vicky Nanjappa
The Bharatiya Janata Party in Karnataka appears to be readying itself for a big fight, and this time it is over the Bhagavad Gita. A statement by Karnataka Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda, in which he said that the government was considering introducing the Gita in primary and secondary standards in school has drawn appreciation as well as flak in the state. Vicky Nanjappa reports. The issue had come up...
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