-BBC Police in India's Maharashtra state have arrested five members of an upper caste for beating, stripping and parading naked a low-caste Dalit woman. The victim was attacked because her son had eloped with an upper-caste girl about a month ago. She has alleged that police initially refused to file a case saying such incidents were not uncommon. The incident took place in Mulgaon village on Monday afternoon but reports of the atrocity have...
Free Speech in 2011: A Hoot Report
-The Hoot The brutally fatal silencing of three journalists along with the sharp rise in censorship of content in online media and the increasing cases of defamation marked the deterioration of the climate for free speech across India in 2011. Attacks on journalists continued to be high, with 24 recorded instances even as writers, journalists and lawyers bore the brunt of the intolerance of vigilante groups to dissenting opinion. The Free Speech...
More »A Hell In Eternity by Amba Batra Bakshi
Greedy lawyers and lack of awareness condemn women undertrials twice over Kanimozhis All? Total number of male and female convicts in India: 1,23,941; Number of undertrials: 2,50,204 Number of female prisoners: 15,406; Female undertrials: 10,687 Female prisoners compromise 4.1 per cent of the prison population 469 women convicts with their 556 children and 1,196 undertrials with their 1,314 children are in prisons across the country Official capacity of prisons in...
More »Corruption and Fairy Tale Elections
-EPW Graft is a major issue in people’s lives, but it is unlikely to figure in voter choice in the assembly elections. A mini-general election will be upon us in February as fivestates go to the polls. Given the high-pitched outpouringson the electronic media around the anti-corruption campaign and the live coverage of the proceedings in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha on the Lokpal Bill, we have been led to...
More »More corrupt, more accountable by Dinsha Mistree
Though Anna Hazare gets much of the credit for focusing the national spotlight on corruption, India was only too aware of the problem even before his agitation. According to a Pew Research poll in October 2010 (six months before Hazare emerged on the national scene), 98 per cent of Indians indicate corrupt political leaders as a “very big” or a “moderately big” problem. Hazare’s campaign did not attune Indians to...
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