Banning of future trading of essential commodities is recommended by Working Group on Consumer Affairs. Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, on Wednesday, submitted the report prepared by the group to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh which also included other suggestions to tackle inflation. Unlike the usual practice of voluminous reports, the committee submitted to the PM a precise document with 20 recommendations and 64 detailed actionable points. Besides ban on future trading,...
“Encourage organised retail for agri-produce” by Neena Vyas
Ban futures trading in essential commodities, says Modi report As chairman of the working group on consumer affairs, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has recommended that futures trading in essential commodities be banned and that organised retail in agri-produce be encouraged to make a dent in food inflation. The working group, comprising the Chief Ministers of Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, was set up in April last. Mr. Modi...
More »Budget 2011: Pranab focuses on social sector
Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee presented Budget 2011-12 in Parliament on Monday promising to stimulate growth and bring down inflation. Admitting that food inflation remains a matter of concern, Pranab said that the economy could have performed better. He said that the development needs to be more inclusive while announcing increased outlay on social sector schemes. "Total food inflation is down from 20.2 per cent last year to 9.3 per cent...
More »Union Budget 2011 to bring in food bill for poor
India's finance minister announced on Monday a food security bill for 2011/12, a measure that would provide cheap grains for millions of India's poor but which has sparked worries of a huge fiscal cost. It was one of the first signs of populism in the annual budget as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh confronted high prices and corruption scandals as well as elections in five states this year. In his ongoing budget speech,...
More »Thousands march in Delhi against embattled govt by Krittivas Mukherjee
At least 100,000 trade unionists marched through New Delhi on Wednesday in a protest against high food prices and unemployment, piling pressure on an administration under fire over corruption scandals. The demonstration was the biggest in New Delhi in years and included members of a trade union linked to the ruling Congress party, reflecting disquiet within the party over food inflation which hit a high of over 18 percent last December. It...
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