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Crumbs on the plate -Harsh Mander

-The Hindustan Times It now seems increasingly unlikely that Parliament will consider the National Food Security Bill during this budget session. In a land which for centuries suffered devastating famines, where chronic hunger continues to stalk more than 200 million people, and which is home to every third malnourished child on the planet, this would be one more sad betrayal of the country's indigent millions, a reminder of how little they...

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Girls killed in rural India too, but gender ratio improves a bit

-The Hindustan Times People in rural India too are killing their unborn daughters, pulling down the child sex ratio across the country to its lowest since 1961 but the general sex ratio has moved up 10 points to 943 females for 1000 males. The sex ratio in the 0-6 age group brings out the recent changes in the attitude and outlook towards the girl child and indicates the future trend of sex...

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India's total population is 1.21 billion, final census reveals

-PTI India's total population stands at 1.21 billion, which is 17.7 per cent more than the last decade, and population growth of females was higher than that of males. According to the final census released by Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde today, India's total population as on March 1, 2011 is 1,210,726,932 or 1.21 billion - an increase of 181.96 million persons in absolute number of population during 2001-11. There was an increase...

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Urban-rural gap in literacy rates on the decline -Yatish Yadav

-New Indian Express The latest statistics from the 2011 Census showed a positive development in female literacy. More number of females have become literate compared to males in the decade 2001-2011. Any person aged 7 and above is considered literate, if he or she can read and write, with understanding, in any language. The largest increase in literacy rate was noticed in Dadra & Nagar Haveli by 18.6 points - significant growth...

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The problem with porn -Mrinal Pande

-The Indian Express Can pornography be given free play when the state remains an integral expression of male power? There are many things we need to know that we wish we did not have to. The existence of domestic violence against women and children is one of them. The use of pornography as a tool for learning and justifying such brutal behaviour, is another. We have lived in denial of links between...

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