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Dalits denied Water by higher castes in Bihar village Kishanganj (Bihar): The plight of Dalits in India came to fore again on Tuesday after it was discovered that ‘higher castes’ in village of Kishanganj district including the panchayat head himself had issued a diktat ordering Dalits not to use village Water. Bihar Police lodged a complaint on Tuesday against fifteen persons for causing mental torture to Dalits. The social boycott of Dalits was effected after one of them complained that money...

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Students, teachers protest visit, are lathicharged

-The Hindustan Times As Sri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) extended the red carpet to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday, the Left faction of Delhi University (DU) rose in protest. SRCC had invited Modi to deliver the keynote speech at their undergraduate management festival. The invitation sparked an outrage with hundreds of students and teachers gathering to protest his visit near the SRCC College gates with party flags and...

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Violence rocks Dalit hostel as Patna varsity looks the other way-Rahi Gaikwad

-The Hindu A mob burst on the scene as night fell. Equipped with hockey sticks, bricks, stones, firearms and crude bombs it prepared for an assault. “You are Harijans,” it yelled. “You have no right to read and write. Your work is to mend shoes and chappals. We will keep you as servants in our houses. Your ancestors did the same work. You leave the hostel or else there will be a...

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Karnataka is now home to 6,072 elephants -Saswati Mukherjee B

-The Times of India BANGALORE: Karnataka is now home to 6,072 Asiatic elephants, 5,945 of which were spotted in the Mysore elephant reserve (MER) alone, according to the latest elephant census. The Karnataka Elephant Census 2012, conducted by the state forest department in May last year and carried out by the Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, showed an increase in the state's elephant population since 2010 when their number stood at 5,800. The...

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The caste club -Jaideep Mazumdar

-The Times of India Sociologist Ashis Nandy's controversial words at the Jaipur lit fest are being debated heatedly but there is one thing that is difficult to argue with: there is a lack of representation from the backward classes and tribals in the upper echelons of power in West Bengal. Over the last 100 years, he said, "nobody from the other backward classes (OBCs), the backward classes, the scheduled castes and...

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