Total Matching Records found : 9389

Safety in diversity -Vandana Shiva

-Deccan Chronicle We are faced with two crises on a planetary scale - climate change and species extinction. Our current modes of production and consumption, starting with the Industrial Revolution and aggravated by the advent of industrial agriculture, have contributed to both. If no action is taken to reduce greenhouse gases, we could experience a catastrophic 4°C increase in temperatures by the end of the century. But climate change is not just...

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August rain boost for paddy -Piyush Kumar Tripathi

-The Telegraph Bihar: The statewide torrential rain in mid-August caused flood conditions in 16 districts but came as a boon for standing paddy crop. Figures say the overall kharif transplantation coverage went up by nearly 40 per cent during August. It was 54 per cent on August 1 and touched 93 per cent on September 1. It came as a major relief for farmers and the state government, as, till the first week...

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Insurance can be bad for Health -Monica Das Gupta and VR Muraleedharan

-The Indian Express International experience points to the dangers in moving towards a system of Health insurance coverage. Improving government services is the answer. Last month, Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan offered a glimpse into the new government's universal Health assurance scheme, of which insurance will be an important component. Health insurance is also part of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, the NDA government's financial inclusion programme. But international experience does...

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Suicide attempt cases go unreported -KV Aditya Bharadwaj and Tanu Kulkarni

-The Hindu Bangalore reported the second highest number of suicides after Chennai in 2013 The latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) figures indicate that Bangalore reported the second highest number of suicides after Chennai, and recorded 2,033 suicides in 2013. According to medical experts and psychologists, for every suicide there at least 10 attempt to suicide cases and they are not part of official records. What is more worrying, according to medical...

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India Looks Forward to Active Participation of FAO to Meet Challenges in Agriculture –Radha Mohan Singh

-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Agriculture Union Minister for Agriculture, Shri Radha Mohan Singh had a meeting with DG, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) here today. Apprising FAO of the significant strides made by India in agriculture and allied sectors during last few years, he said that India has not only achieved self sufficiency in food but also did extremely well in horticulture, dairying, milk production, fisheries, post harvest management and...

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