The Central Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday seized Rs.23 lakh in cash from the house of P.V. Deshmukh, former Deputy Secretary of the Urban Development Department and an accused in the Adarsh Housing Society scam. The CBI also issued notice to the former Member of Legislative Council, Kanhaiyalal Gidwani, R.C. Thakur and Brig (retd.) M. M. Wanchu — all named in the First Information Report — asking them to be present...
Honesty is indivisible by Arun Kumar
Illegality in India today touches almost every economic activity. It is both systemic and systematic. The Indian ruling class faced its severest crisis of credibility in 2010. Its past caught up with it and skeletons and scams were spilling out of its closets. The scams have a symbiotic relationship with the black economy. The number of scams is growing and so is the size of the black economy, which has reached...
More »Kerosene racket is half the size of NREGA bill by Anupama Airy
The poor man’s fuel, kerosene — paid for by state subsidy — is diverted to adulterating diesel mostly for truckers. And the industry is estimated to be worth half the sum the government spends on employment for the rural poor every year. Welcome to the Great Indian Kerosene Racket, which hit a new high this week when additional collector Yashwant Sonawane of Maharashtra’s Nashik district lost his life in a...
More »The official lokpal bill makes a false promise by Manoj Mitta
Besieged as it is by a spate of scams, the Centre has revived the 40-year-old proposal of setting up a national ombudsman called the Lokpal to probe political corruption. But, far from overcoming the existing deficiencies, the latest draft Bill – which could be promulgated any time soon as an ordinance - provides a legal veneer to them so that crooked politicians will continue to enjoy almost as much impunity...
More »GoM works on quick trials by Sanjay K Jha
The Group of Ministers tasked to suggest ways to curb corruption in public life is weighing a constitutional amendment to fast-track the trials of officials indicted for graft. Sources said changes could be incorporated in Article 311 of the Constitution (dealing with dismissal, removal or demotion of government officials) to provide for summary proceedings in cases of grave misdemeanour or blatant corruption. Also under consideration are amendments to the Prevention of Corruption...
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