-The New Indian Express These scheduled medicines constitute about 18 per cent of the total domestic pharma retail market, valued around Rs 1.5 trillion. NEW Delhi: Prices of over 800 drugs under the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM), including paracetamol, common antibiotics like azithromycin, doxycycline and medications for hypertension, diabetes and COVID-19 will increase by 10.7 per cent starting Friday. Activists slammed the move saying that it would hit the pockets of...
With 101 seats, BJP hits triple digits in Rajya Sabha for first time in party’s history -Neelam Pandey
-ThePrint.in BJP won 4 seats in RS polls, becoming the first party to pass 100-seat mark after 1988-90. NDA now has 117 members in 245-member RS, while Congress hit a new low at 29 seats. New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has got a three-digit tally in the Rajya Sabha for the first time in its history, after winning four of the 13 seats up for election in the latest round...
More »Knee-Deep in Debt, Food Shortages, Depleting Foreign Reserves: How Did Sri Lanka Get Here?
-TheWire.in A foreign exchange crunch in Sri Lanka has led to a shortage of essential goods and power cuts that last up to 13 hours a day. New Delhi: Sri Lanka is grappling with the worst economic crisis in decades, which has spiked the prices of essential commodities like rice, milk powder, cooking gas and fuel. For instance, one kilogram of basmati rice currently costs between Rs 300-800 as compared to around Rs...
More »Supreme Court raps Uttar Pradesh govt on Teni son's bail case -R Balaji
-The Telegraph Ashis is accused of being in an SUV belonging to his father that mowed down four farmers and a journalist on October 3 New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Uttar Pradesh government why it had not appealed for the cancellation of bail to Lakhimpur Kheri accused Ashis Mishra despite such a recommendation from Justice (retd) Rakesh Kumar Jain who is monitoring the probe. Ashis, son of Union minister...
More »Ghazipur Fire: Experts Call For Faster Remediation, No More Waste Dumping
-PTI/ The Wire Science New Delhi: Days after the fire at the Ghazipur landfill site sent pollution levels in nearby areas soaring, experts on Wednesday said authorities need to speed up the bioremediation of legacy waste at such sites in the capital and build an extensive infrastructure to avoid dumping of fresh wet waste into landfills to prevent such instances. The Delhi government’s Department of Environment has blamed the East Delhi Municipal...
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