-The Hindu The report of an RBI-appointed committee on financial inclusion and financial deepening has stimulated a wide-ranging debate on these crucial areas. However, policy measures initiated by the government and the RBI while adding to the numbers of new bank branches, new accounts and so on did not really enhance the quality of such inclusive practices. In September last year, the RBI asked the committee chaired by Nachiket Mor...
Power to pollute rivulet-Kumud Jenamani
-The Telegraph Jamshedpur: Residents of 23 villages in Seraikela-Kharsawan have alleged that Kandra-based thermal power plant Adhunik Power and Natural Resources Limited (APNRL), which started production over a year ago, is ruining their lives with the toxic fly ash it generates, creating yet another conflict between industry and community. The Adhunik power plant, located at Padamdih village in Kandra along Tata-Kandra road, only 15km from Jamshedpur, commissioned its first two phases of...
More »71 cancer care institutes sanctioned: Azad -PVV Murthi
-The Hindu 11 lakh new cases and 5 lakh deaths reported every year in the country Vellore: The Union Cabinet has sanctioned the setting up of 71 stand-alone cancer care institutes throughout India at a cost of Rs.6,650 crores in order to tackle the problem posed by the increasing incidence of cancer and the increasing deaths due to cancer in the country, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare Ghulam Nabi Azad...
More »How to feed nine billion people, and feed them well -Zareen Bharucha
-The Conversation Resource-intensive agriculture, despite its productivity, nevertheless has failed to feed the world's current population, never mind the nine billion people expected by 2050. This system that currently fails both people and planet is ripe for revision. We need to be more ambitious, to go beyond simply producing more. We need to produce more of what's good - not just cereal staples, but nutrition-dense foods - in ways that can prevent...
More »Paradox of Poverty amid Plenty -Jaswant Kaur
-The New Indian Express Most people would have been shocked to read the year-end report that India has been ranked 63rd, much below countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, on the Global Hunger Index (GHI), a yardstick used by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to comprehensively measure global hunger. The index is calculated as an average of three indices-undernourishment, underweight children and low child mortality rate-and is measured on a...
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