-The Hindu Only Chandrababu Naidu and Shivraj Singh Chauhan will remain members Bihar’s Nitish Kumar, Tripura’s Manik Sarkar and Puducherry’s V. Narayanasamy have refused the Narendra Modi government’s invitation to join a sub-committee of Chief Ministers on digitisation and cashless transactions. The panel is tasked with suggesting possible ways to ease problems in the wake of the Centre’s demonetisation decision, sources in the Janata Dal (United), the CPI(M) and the Congress confirmed. The panel...
Demonetisation hits MSMEs hard, output plunges to 50% of capacity; labour unrest fears haunt sector -Abheri Raychaudhuri
-The Financial Express Ahmedabad: With production having slowed down to about 50% for most micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) since the demonetisation of R500 and R1,000 notes by the Centre, a spectre of unrest is beginning to haunt labour-intensive sectors such as the textile and chemicals units in Gujarat. “There are two lakh registered MSME units in Gujarat, several of which form ancillary units for the textile industry such as for...
More »Modi govt says demonetisation strikes black money; RBI data says it's a damp squib -Sandipan Sharma
-Firstpost.com There is a famous couplet by Iqbal that, if loosely translated, goes like this: There must be something about us that ensures we are never destroyed or decimated even when the world has been our enemy for ages. Now, apply that to the current war on illegal cash by the Narendra Modi government: It seems there is really something about Indian cash that ensures its survival. Note the figures. On 8 November,...
More »Goa will be first state to go cashless from December 31
-The Times of India PANAJI: Goa is likely to become the first state in India to go cashless from December 31, as people will be able to buy perishables such as fish, meat, vegetables or anything else at the press of a button on their mobile. There will be no need to carry your purse for purchases and the profession of pickpocketers may become extinct soon, as all transactions will be done...
More »Dry ATMs dispensing more disappointment than cash
-The Economic Times Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants India to go cashless. And it seems that automated teller Machines, or ATMs, have been taking the lead ever since the demonetisation drive began. They are absolutely what PM wants the economy to be — cashless. The result: people's frustration is building up because ATMs are either getting emptied faster than they are refilled, or they are just not working. ET reports from commercial hubs...
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