-PTI A group of Aam Aadmi Party activists on Sunday tried to stage a protest demanding removal of Delhi Police commissioner Neeraj Kumar outside Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's residence and were detained. The activists reached Singh's 7 Race Course Road residence and tried to break the barricades to enter the high-security premises as their party served an "ultimatum" to the government to remove Kumar by this evening. Around 5pm, the activists tried to...
More should be done for safety of girl child: UNICEF-Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu The rape of a five-year-old in Delhi highlights the need for urgent and concerted action to ensure safety of girls and women in India, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has said. More should be done to urgently change the mindset towards women and check such brutal crimes, it said. In a statement issued here, UNICEF said recently published data shows that more than 30,000 crimes were committed against children...
More »Bengal’s Bonzi shell cracks up -Sambit Saha
-The Telegraph The "Bonzi" edifice, Bengal's version of the fraudulent Ponzi scheme that conned US investors a century ago, is shaking at its foundations. The panic set off by Saradha defaulting on payments has spread to similar schemes run by other firms and triggered protests and attacks on company offices in several parts of the state. These schemes' mostly small-time rural investors have begun to panic about the safety of their hard-earned...
More »A cry in the dark -Esha Roy
-The Indian Express She was gangraped by 16 boys, nine of them juveniles. She was beaten, cut up and her genitals mutilated. She made it to hospital, but was sent home with first-aid. When she survived to fight, she ran into an indifferent administration and influential accused. Schools denied her admission, and others mocked and threatened her. Chances are you haven't heard this 16-year-old's story. Three days after the brutal attack on...
More »An Agricultural Nightmare -Deepak Gopinath
-Outlook India has long been the sleeping giant of global agriculture. But its misguided policies while boosting short-term output, yet may transform India into a food importer After decades on the sidelines of international agricultural trade, India was poised last year to become a major food supplier, overtaking traditional exporters of food grain and meat. This could prove to be flash in the pan. The sudden rise and fall of India...
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