-The Indian Express New Delhi: In the Manmohan Singh PMO, the CPIO was K Salil Kumar and the First Appellate Authority was Krishna Kumar. Moments after Narendra Modi took oath on May 26, the Prime Minister's Office instantly launched a new version of its website http://www.pmindia.gov.in and http://www.pmindia.nic.in but 15 days later it's yet to disclose key details required under the Right to Information Act. These include: names of officers designated as Central Public Information...
Known Unknowns of RTI -Pankaj KP Shreyaskar
-Economic and Political Weekly After almost more than eight years of the Right to Information Act being in force, the process of accessing information still faces impediments. The flow of information is restricted either due to various public institutions not coming within the ambit of the Act or the information being exempt under various clauses of the Act. This article examines select judgments/orders of the Central Information Commission and the superior...
More »National Campaign for Peoples’ Right to Information (NCPRI)
The NCPRI’s endeavour is to deepen democracy and achieve Constitutional principles through the use of the RTI. The NCPRI engages and interacts with the State to implement the law and to ensure that the Act is not amended or provisions weakened. The Campaign has to ensure that the law is effective and universally accessible, addressing both individual and social problems. NCPRI believes that the right to know is symbiotically linked...
More »Former IB chief Rajiv Mathur takes over as new CIC
-PTI Former IB chief Rajiv Mathur on Thursday took over as the new Chief Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission. He was administered the oath of office by President Pranab Mukherjee at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Mathur, 64, succeeds Sushma Singh, who demitted office on Wednesday, as the sixth chief of the transparency watchdog. His name was recommended by a three-member selection panel headed by outgoing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. "My priority would...
More »Chasing the Certificate That Enables
-Economic and Political Weekly Disabled citizens face a traumatic time procuring the crucial disability certificate. Among the tasks that fill most Indians with dread is the act of procuring the all-important identity and eligibility documents so dear to the Indian bureaucracy. Imagine the plight of disabled citizens for whom getting a disability certificate that officially recognises their disability and medically ranks it in percentage terms has long been a nightmarish experience. Yet,...
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