-The Hindu Says ?78 crore allocated for setting up special courts to try them in 11 States The Centre has informed the Supreme Court that 1,765 members of Parliament and the Assemblies have criminal cases against them. Of a total 3,816 cases against them, 3,045 are still pending. Uttar Pradesh tops the list with 248 legislators, Tamil Nadu comes second with 178 and then Bihar follows with 144. Exclusive courts The affidavit by the Centre is...
'Manifold rise in suicide due to unemployment in Madhya Pradesh' -Desh Deep
-The Times of India BHOPAL: There has been an almost 2000% rise in the cases of suicide due to unemployment in Madhya Pradesh between 2005 and 2015. In 2005, the number of people committing suicide with unemployment as a reason was 29 which went up to 579 in 2015, said Akshay Hunka convener of Berozgar Sena quoting the figures of the National Crime Record Bureau(NCRB). The Sena was constituted recently to highlight...
More »MP Agriculture Sector Growth Slips by 1.61%, Says MP Economic Survey -Vivek Trivedi
-News18.com Surprisingly, production of meat which stood at 59 lakh metric tonnes in 2015-16 surged to 79 metric tonnes in 2016-17. The production of eggs too went up in the financial year 2016-17. Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh government might be listing agriculture among its topmost priories but the growth rate in farm sector has gone down by 1.61% for the financial year 2017-18, according to the Madhya Pradesh Economic Survey report which was...
More »Against human rights -Faizan Mustafa
-The Hindu Encounter killings militate against the rule of law Cicero famously said, “We are in bondage to the law in order that we may be free.” John Adams said about the Massachusetts Constitution that it was intended to have a “government of laws not of men”. The rule of law has rightly been argued to be part of the basic structure of the Indian Constitution. It is an unqualified human good....
More »SC push for electoral reforms: Candidates now have to declare source of income as well
-The Indian Express The landmark order is intended to bring in more transparency in the poll process and comes ahead of elections scheduled to several states. So far, candidates only needed to reveal their income, not the sources. New Delhi: Candidates contesting polls will now have to disclose their sources of income and that of their family members. The Supreme Court on Friday allowed a petition filed by NGO Lok Prahari which...
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