-The Indian Express The current crackdown on the pulses trade may do more harm than good in the long run. The government has reasons to be concerned over spiralling dal prices — even more so when arhar at Rs 200 per kg has become a major campaign theme in the ongoing Bihar assembly elections. But that does not justify the kind of desperate measures it has resorted to. Not only have...
Rising fodder prices spell gloom for poultry sector -Komal Amit Gera
-Business Standard Chandigarh: The rising cost of fodder ingredients in the past few days has pushed the poultry industry into doldrums. An increase of the price of soya meal, a key ingredient, by almost Rs 1,000 per quintal, has left many small players worried. Against the cost of Rs 3 an egg, the farm gate price is between Rs 2.65 and Rs 2.70. P Tamil Arsan, vice-president of National Egg Co-ordination Committee...
More »Price stabilisation fund for pulses can keep consumer budget in check
-Hindustan Times The alleged lynching of a truck driver who was ferrying pulses by a mob recently in UP is a sad commentary about India’s inadequate price management systems. Wholesale prices, which plunged for the 11th straight month in September, could be masking a worrisome rise in food prices, leaving consumers to wonder why — even with declining inflation — their household budgets are spinning out of control. After onion, the prices...
More »Bad cure for a racing pulse -Ashok Gulati & Shweta Saini
-The Indian Express Scapegoating ‘hoarders’ and ‘speculators’ for the spike in dal prices might have been effective in the 1960s. But today, it is only evidence of a rather sloppy conceptual policy framework. The pulse rate of a normal and healthy human body hovers between 60 and 100 beats per minute. There can be problems if it goes any higher — and a serious threat to life over 200 beats per...
More »Here’s why prices of pulses are unlikely to cool anytime soon -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com As long as farmers with access to irrigated land aren’t interested in growing pulses, supply and price shocks will keep haunting consumers and governments New Delhi: The centre’s efforts to contain prices of pulses during the festive season is showing few results on the ground. On Monday, retail prices of tur dal (arhar or pigeon pea) climbed to Rs.205 per kg in Mysore in Karnataka and Rs.210 per kg in Puducherry,...
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