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Political funding and a deadly stir -Dushyant Sterlite protests have raised some troubling questions: why was ‘illegal’ foreign funding legalised and why was Vedanta given an extension? In 2013, India witnessed what many believe was an organic, mass movement against corruption in politics. Many people viewed one party as thoroughly corrupt and started looking at its main rival with some hope. They thought this SECond party deserved be voted to power. In March 2014, the Delhi High Court...

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Farm incomes, rural wages and other things in between -Prosenjit Datta New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a great orator. He also makes grand announcements about ambitious targets, leaving hapless officials and others to work out the details. And sometimes, exactly what he meant while making that announcement is not very clear to the people tasked with working out strategies and policies to achieve that target. One example is his speech during the Kisan Rally in Bareilly, UP, on 28th February...

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Poverty: The direct approach isn't always best -Bjorn Lomborg & Manorama Bakshi It is important to give preference to those approaches that help the poor the most for every rupee spent, no matter how they are labelled Sometimes in life, it is clear that the direct approach isn’t the best one. This is true in many areas, even when it comes to policymaking. Take, as an example, the area of extreme poverty. It seems logical, at first, that the most effective response should...

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A crop revolution -Anupama Katakam The women-led climate-resilient farming model created by Swayam Shikshan Prayog in drought-hit Marathwada has yielded encouraging results and is worthy of emulation across the country. “LOOK at our quinoa. It has grown so well,” says a beaming Shailaja Narwade from Masia village near Solapur in interior Maharashtra. Shailaja has planted the traditional South American plant not for consumption but in order to harvest its seeds. “Quinoa seeds are very valuable...

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State On Hunting Spree: Anger Mounts In TN After Cops In Civies Shoot Anti-Sterlite Protesters -Anubhav Chakraborty & Gayeti Singh Visuals of cops in plainclothes shoot unarmed protesters in Thoothukudu NEW DELHI: “For those who are not yet aware. These are our Police commandos in civil dress shooting at civilians using self loaded rifle which are used to neutralise terrorist. These civilians had placards to defend themselves. This is called premeditated murder,” writes Antony Rubin, a Chennai based activist. A chilling photograph showing a policeman, dressed in plain clothes, taking aim...

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