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A Notional Advisory Council? by Jean Drèze

The National Advisory Council's recommendations on the National Food Security Bill are in danger of being brushed aside. It is the fate of most advisory committees that the government accepts whatever advice suits its purposes and ignores the rest. The first version of the National Advisory Council (NAC-1) managed to avoid that fate to some extent, due to favourable circumstances. NAC-1 was able to persuade the government to enact the...

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Nabard launches Rs 25,019 cr credit plan for Orissa

In a bid to facilitate agriculture and Rural development in the backward state, Nabard today launched a Rs 25,019 crore credit plan for Orissa during 2011-12. The credit plan was launched by state Finance Minister Prafulla Ghadai at the state level credit seminar here. While annual credit plan for the state during the current fiscal is Rs 16,915 crore, it was increased by 48 per cent for 2011-12. While agricultural...

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Rural job scheme minimum wage revised, risking inflation spiral by Ruhi Tewari & Asit Ranjan Mishra

In a move that brings relief to the rural workforce, but risks creating an inflation spiral, the government on Thursday revised the minimum wages paid for its flagship job guarantee scheme by linking them to the Consumer Price Index for agricultural labour (CPI-AL) for each individual state. Such a price spiral, in case it actually emerges, could roil the electoral prospects of the Congress in the key contests to the state...

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NABARD to stream micro credit through grass root groups

The National Bank for Agriculture and Rurual Development (NABARD) will pay greater focus on financing through 'Joint Liability Groups' (JLs) in Kerala as it is found more effective way of priority sector lending. JLs are informal groups of even 4-10 individuals joining together for the purpose of availing bank loans through group mechanisms against mutual guarantee. According to NABARD's State Credit Plan 2011-12, financial inclusion through JLGs would be deepened in partnerships...

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Citizens, not numbers by Nandini Sundar

If home minister P Chidambaram’s recent letter to West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee is any indication, it has taken the Union home ministry seven years to realise that arming civilians to fight Naxalites is a bad idea. How much longer will it take for them to realise that the current paramilitary-based approach in Chhattisgarh is similarly bound to fail? From 2003 onwards, the home ministry has followed a policy of...

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