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Watershed Support Services and Activities Network (WASSAN) started in 1995 as an informal network of NGOs to influence the Watershed Development Program of Government being implemented in the drought prone areas for economic improvement of the poor, women and marginalized sections of the rural India. Carving out a creative space for NGOs within the government program, capacity building of various stakeholders, influencing policy and capacitating and empowering the rural community...

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Gene Campaign

Gene Campaign turned twenty in 2013. Starting in 1993 as a leading research and advocacy organization, GC dedicated itself to the conservation of genetic resources and indigenous knowledge. The campaign has encouraged self reliance and worked towards ensuring livelihood security for rural and tribal communities. Closely involved in policymaking and legislation with respect to biological resources, GC has enabled rural and adivasi communities to participate in policies relating to these...

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Beware of ill effects of genetically modified organisms, farmers told

-The Hindu   Madurai: Activists, farmers and the public came together for a programme ‘Say no to GMO' organized by Aakam rural Education and Health Trust, Cure Trust and Research Centre and the Gandhi Memorial Museum on the ills of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) here on Saturday. "The use of these modified crops is slowly increasing across the State in Erode, Tiruchi, Madurai, Chennai and Coimbatore though it is not officially approved. Most...

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A full plate for Modi-Raghuvir Srinivasan

-The Hindu   Narendra Modi has to address not just the current stagnation in manufacturing but also look at ways of stimulating investments in the sector Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi, it is said, sleeps just six hours a day. Even that could become a luxury as he buckles down to his job and begins the challenging task of turning around the economy. The economic legacy handed down to him by the United Progressive...

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Urbanization and Spatial Patterns of Internal Migration in India -S Chandrasekhar and Ajay Sharma

-Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR)   With an urbanization level of 31.16 percent in 2011, India is the least urbanized country among the top 10 economies of the world. In addition, unlike other countries, the transition of workforce out of agriculture is incomplete. This coupled with jobless growth in recent years has contributed to an increase in certain migration streams. While rural-rural migration continues to be the largest in terms...

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