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Study brings hope to Kasaragod villages

-The Times of India KOZHIKODE: Endosulfan concentration in Kasaragod villages is declining, a study has revealed. What more, the combined toxic residue of endosulfan in soil samples collected from affected areas is persistent only for 1.5 to 2 years, before naturally degrading. The study, which comes as a relief to many, was jointly conducted by the Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM) and the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology...

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Lessons learned from India’s midday meal scheme for schoolchildren -Paromita Pain

-The Guardian Scares over lizard and worms in food highlight flaws in flagship programme as India struggles to reach most remote schools Karulihai (Madhya Pradesh): The dirt roads leading to the village of Karulihai in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh make for a bumpy ride. As clouds of dust settle on the windscreen, it's easy to miss the one-room school that stands in the middle of the field. Voices of children,...

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Andhra Pradesh counters RBI's claims -Jinka Nagaraju

-The Times of India In a sternly-worded letter dashed off to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Andhra Pradesh government has urged the institution to not underestimate the distressful conditions prevailing in the state for the past three years, which has forced as many as 6,792 farmers to commit suicide. The nine-page letter dated July 25, countering RBI's argument about AP reporting no cases of acute concern among farmers, has been...

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End this quibbling over poverty figures -PP Sangal

-The Hindu Business Line The Rangarajan panel has added to the confusion. Let's have one final committee to set things right There is constant confusion in India over BPL (below poverty line) figures proffered by different agencies. The latest is the debate over the Rangarajan Committee's estimates, as against the assessment of the Tendulkar Committee. The difference in their estimates is due to variation in the parameters adopted. In other words, the definition...

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Going for rotavirus -Vinod Paul

-The Hindu Business Line Battling childhood diarrhoea with an Indian vaccine is good strategy Almost half of India's 1,76,000 diarrhoeal deaths in children below five are caused by rotavirus, the pathogen responsible for severe childhood diarrhoea. In addition, 8 lakh hospitalisations and over 30 lakh outpatient visits each year among children below 5 are triggered by diarrhoea of rotavirus origin. WHO recommends the rotavirus vaccine for infants in all national immunisation programmes. Globally,...

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