Banning of future trading of essential commodities is recommended by Working Group on Consumer Affairs. Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, on Wednesday, submitted the report prepared by the group to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh which also included other suggestions to tackle inflation. Unlike the usual practice of voluminous reports, the committee submitted to the PM a precise document with 20 recommendations and 64 detailed actionable points. Besides ban on future trading,...
RTI activist: Builder’s men attacked me
Right to Information (RTI) activist, Santosh Daundkar, has filed a police complaint saying he was assaulted, allegedly by a builder’s men, at Mumbai Central on Saturday. Daundkar, 38, filed a first information report (FIR) with the Nagpada police on Saturday night claiming that he had been assaulted for trying to expose the builder’s illegal activities. The police have arrested 51-year-old Daniel Abraham in the case and are investigating Daundkar’s allegations. “At around 10.30pm,...
More »RTI activist: Builder’s men attacked me
Right to Information (RTI) activist, Santosh Daundkar, has filed a police complaint saying he was assaulted, allegedly by a builder’s men, at Mumbai Central on Saturday. Daundkar, 38, filed a first information report (FIR) with the Nagpada police on Saturday night claiming that he had been assaulted for trying to expose the builder’s illegal activities. The police have arrested 51-year-old Daniel Abraham in the case and are investigating Daundkar’s allegations. “At around 10.30pm,...
More »Chattisgargh HC rejects Binayak's bail plea by Hemender Sharma
Sentenced to life in prison on sedition charges, rights activist Binayak Sen was refused bail by the Chattisgargh High Court on Thursday. Sen's family and supporters allege, there was prejudice in the way the case was being handled. They will now appeal in the Supreme Court. Charged with sedition, Dr Binayak Sen will continue to be in jail for much longer. The Chhattishgarh High Court in Bilaspur took just two minutes to refuse...
More »Retooling laws for justice by KS Jacob
Many Indian laws do not reflect modern and enlightened concepts of justice and require major revision. The recent campaign in support of Dr. Binayak Sen has received much publicity. The mainstream media has enunciated his cause and dissected the evidence, conviction and judgment. Amnesty International argued that the case violated international standards for a fair trial. While Dr. Sen's conviction has received much attention, there is a need to foreground the...
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