* A Rs 350 crore scam has surfaced in the Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme * Three organisations are being investigated by the vigilance department of the women WCD ministry for mismanagement and for running creches only on paper * The scheme was for children of women in the unorganised sector * The organisations maintained fake audits and balancesheets signed by CAs Nothing, it would seem, is sacred for scamsters....
The system strikes back by Vidya Subrahmaniam
Missing job cards, fudged muster rolls and diversion of NREGS funds through fake bills. What the Rajasthan social audit has revealed is the tip of the iceberg. Bhilwara-2009 invited a swift and strong backlash — the government backed off realising it had stepped into a quagmire of corruption The battle being fought in the panchayats, streets, offices, and courts of Rajasthan is not just about social audit To understand why civil society...
More »Copenhagen: Excluding people & voices for an unfair deal by Sunita Narain
The Copenhagen conference will definitely go down as the worst meeting in global climate negotiations. There is a complete mess here: lines of people standing outside the Bella Centre, where the conference is taking place, wanting to get in. Inside the meeting has broken down for the umpteenth time because industrialized countries refuse to commit to cutting emissions. Instead they want the global climate agreement changed, so that they do...
More »Maternal tragedies by TK Rajalakshmi
A Human Rights Watch report emphasises the need for a system of recording and investigating all maternal deaths. THE maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is calculated by the number of maternal deaths for every 100,000 births. Consider this: In 2005, India’s MMR was 16 times that of Russia, 10 times that of China and four times higher than that in Brazil. Why should there be such high maternal mortality rates in...
More »Free trade deals to push up cost of medicines by Savita Varma
The bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) India is negotiating with Japan and the European Union (EU) can lead to a sharp rise in the cost of medicines, a network of civil society groups has warned. The FTAs are discussed outside the parameters of equitable international trade endorsed by the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Through them, developed countries often impose higher levels of intellectual property protection for medicines than those mandated...
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