-The Hindu The move may save the government around Rs. 5,000 crore The Union Cabinet, on Wednesday, gave its go-ahead for slashing the subsidy on phosphatic and potassic (P&K) fertilisers for this fiscal. The move is expected to save the government around Rs. 5,000 crore. The decision to cut subsidy has been taken in view of falling global prices. Despite the reduction in subsidy, the government is hopeful that the maximum retail price (MRP) of...
Marriage bill divides Cabinet; referred to GoM
-The Times of India Differences over what constitutes as a woman's right to her marital property in case of a divorce forced the Union Cabinet to refer the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill to a Group of Ministers (GoM) on Wednesday. The law ministry had suggested that a woman be given a share in residential property of the husband, including inherited and inheritable premises, in case of divorce, while the ministry of women...
More »Cabinet nod to Bill for street vendors -Rakhi Chakrabarty
-The Times of India The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved a legislation to protect the livelihood ofstreet vendors and provide them more legal vending space in urban areas. Once it becomes law, street vendors hoped it could shield them from unabated harassment and extortion by police and municipal officials. Anxious to regain confidence of aam aadmi ahead of 2014 general elections, the housing and urban poverty alleviation (HUPA) ministry has fixed...
More »Safety net for retired government officials -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved proposed amendments in the Prevention of Corruption Act, providing a safeguard to retired government officials from unnecessary prosecution for any bona-fide mistake and also broadening the definition of bribery to make a commercial entity liable for failing to prevent bribery of an official. The proposed changes - Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill, 2013 - also provide for allowing confiscation of...
More »A May Day gift for street vendors
-The Hindu Union Cabinet gives nod for Street Vendors Bill which will see certificates being issued to at least one crore hawkers across the country On Labour Day, the Union Cabinet announced a bonanza for street vendors - an end to ‘licence raj' - by giving its consent to the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2013. The Bill which is aimed at regulating street vending and shielding...
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