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Gujarat one of the most water-starved states in India: UN report -Chetan Chauhan

-The Hindustan Times While BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi's 'Gujarat development model' has caught the nation's fancy, a new United Nations (UN) report says Gujarat is one of the most water-starved states in India. The UN World Water Development Report 2014 observes that unsustainable use of water for agriculture is the prime reason for the groundwater level falling in most parts of Gujarat. "The issue of groundwater overdraft in India has been...

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The bane of unprofessional warehouses-Dilip Kumar Jha

-The Business Standard There is an urgent need to develop a strong warehousing system equipped with modern and scientific storage facilities Mumbai: Around 30% of India's foodgrains harvest gets wasted because it is unprofessionally managed in the warehouse, a joint study conducted by The Associated Chambersof Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) and Yes Bank, said.Owing to extreme dearthof about 35 million tonnes (MT) warehousing capacity together with massive foodgrain storage shortfall...

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A raw deal for migrants-Jayati Ghosh

-Frontline     Significant part of economic migration is still the result of desperation rather than hard-headed economic calculation. This, in turn, affects the conditions under which workers migrate and their lives and work as well.   PERHAPS the most poignant moment in the film Peepli Live-even though the movie is really more about the media than about the socio-economic realities of India-is at the very end, when the hapless protagonist, now a former farmer...

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Anti-poverty schemes, a success story -Aditya Dasgupta

-The Hindu Business Line Welfare programmes do work these days. That's because their implementation determines poll outcomes In the last 15 years, India has seen the adoption of an "alphabet soup" of ambitious national anti-poverty programmes: a rural connectivity scheme (PMGSY), a universal primary schooling initiative (SSA), a rural health initiative (NRHM), a rural electrification scheme (RGGVY), a rural employment guarantee (NREGA), a food subsidy (Food Security Act), and a new digital...

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Ashish Bose: The man who coined BIMARU tried to make things simple-Sanjeeb Mukherjee

-The Business Standard Associates say Bose always tried to make complex things simple and understandable Finding out the essence is more important than getting lost in statistical jugglery" is what Ashish Bose, the country's foremost demographer, who passed away on Monday, once told Amitabh Kundu, his friend and professor of economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Kundu's description perhaps summarises the personality of Bose, best known for coining the term BIMARU (in a paper...

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