-The Hindu In a bid to keep pulses price under check, that went sky-rocketing during past few months, the Centre has now decided to create buffer stock of pulses. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on Wednesday gave its approval for creation of buffer stock of pulses. The buffer stock will be created in current year itself. In its meeting held here, the CCEA has approved procurement of about 50,000 ton pulses...
EU asks for cap on PDS spending in return for food security deal -D Ravi Kanth
-Livemint.com Brussels suggested more burdensome, stringent conditions for the permanent solution than what were agreed as part of interim solution in the 2013 Bali summit Geneva: The European Union (EU) has insisted that India must accept a financial cap on market price support programmes if New Delhi wants a permanent solution for the public stockholding programmes for food security at the Nairobi meeting of the World Trade Organization next week, according...
More »From plate to plough: A leaf from the MP book - Ashok Gulati & Aastha Malhotra
-The Indian Express Madhya Pradesh’s agricultural growth rates offer important lessons for the Centre Shivraj Singh Chouhan completed 10 years in office as chief minister of Madhya Pradesh last week. His most outstanding achievement is the excellent performance of agriculture — the agri-GDP of MP grew at 9.7 per cent per annum during 2005-06 to 2014-15, surpassing even record-holder Gujarat’s 7.7 per cent. The last five years have been even more...
More »Carlo Petrini, founder of the International Slow Food Movement, speaks to Livemint.com
-Livemint.com In 1986, Italian journalist Carlo Petrini was outraged when McDonald’s opened its first outlet in Rome. He saw this as a threat to Italy’s culinary culture. He led a protest against the global industrialization of food, which culminated in the slow food movement. Starting in Rome, the movement is now a worldwide phenomenon. Edited excerpts from an interview at the Indigenous Terra Madre in Shillong: * What are the key achievements...
More »Sow seeds of productivity to ameliorate rural poverty -Saket Misra
-Hindustan Times Revolution imminent… genetically modified seeds produced by MNCs cause farmer suicides. Incendiary, out-of-context sound-bites juxtaposed between heartrending visuals distort rural poverty from a complex issue that each Indian must help resolve to a simplistic, accusatory Peepli Live feature. Instead of quixotic and strident anti-growth agendas offered as panacea, a coordinated and consistent approach to poverty reduction is needed. Poverty reduction needs development. The linkage between economic growth and poverty reduction is...
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