-The Hindu The Election Commission has filed 2,655 FIRs in various police stations of Karnataka under Section 171B of the Indian Penal Code relating to bribery in view of Rs. 24.52 crore cash, gift articles including saris and watches, and liquor seized during the run up to the just concluded Legislative Assembly poll in the State. Informed sources said this was one of the highest numbers of FIRs registered by the poll...
Candidates log onto Facebook and Twitter to connect with voters in Karnataka campaigns
-PTI Bangalore: Padayatras, door-to-door campaigns and public rallies are the second choice for some senior political leaders in Karnataka who have realised the impact social media can make on people today and have quickly opened accounts on Facebook and Twitter. While social media provides politicians an additional platform to campaign, the real competition is who gets the maximum hits. Young politicians like Krishna Byregowda and Priya Krishna, both Congress, have had accounts for...
More »Study Sees NREGA Potential in Conserving Natural Resources -Urmi A Goswami
-The Economic Times The UPA government's flagship employment guarantee programme can play an important role in conserving natural resources and sustaining water supply and food production, according to a study. Conceived to provide livelihood security for the rural poor, the scheme can also help reduce and counter the impact of climate change in villages, according to the study, "Environmental Benefits and Vulnerability Reduction through Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme"...
More »Panchayati raj: Failing the urbanization test- Elizabeth Roche, Liz Mathew and Shamsheer Yousaf
-Live Mint Lack of decentralization means municipalities lack power, resources to meet rising aspirations of ‘middle' India Othakadai, Madurai (Tamil Nadu)/Hubli (Karnataka): S. Paramasivam , president of the Othakadai panchayat, has big plans for his area. "Rainwater harvesting, removal of encroachments on roads, waste recycling, covered drainage, bigger primary health care centres and community parks," lists the 58-year-old, who has spent 30 years in the stainless steel business that dominates industry...
More »The devolution deficit -KC Sivaramakrishnan
-The Indian Express Why we need to revisit the 74th Amendment The National Panchayati Raj Day to mark the enactment of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment was observed on April 24 with due ceremony but little hype. Whatever the reasons for the celebration, even those are not available for the 74th Amendment dealing with municipalities. The Government of India's first line of defence on this issue is that these are state subjects. Nevertheless, the...
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