-RuralVoice.in Even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation of the Rs 30,000-crore Jewar International Airport in Uttar Pradesh (UP) today, he made a subtle outreach to the Farmers too in the wake of protests over the three central farm laws. Last week, Modi announced to repeal the contentious laws and on November 24, the Union Cabinet approved his proposal. A bill will be tabled in the winter session of Parliament...
MSP is Insurance Against Anarchy in Future: Economist Sukhpal Singh -Ajaz Ashraf
-Newsclick.in Answers to all the questions you are likely to have about the Minimum Support Price and the controversy surrounding it. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s hope that his promise to repeal the three new farm laws will have the protesting Farmers to promptly fold their tents and leave Delhi has been belied. The farmer unions have instead declared that they are not going to call off their one-year stir until the Union...
More »A food crisis of the government’s own making -RS Dharmakeerthi
-The Hindu Sri Lanka’s decision to ban imports on chemical fertilizers was not backed by scientific evidence There is consensus in the scientific community that organic agriculture could reduce crop yield. Quoting three global meta-data analysis, Meemkem and Qaim (2018) pointed out that on average, the yield reduction in organic agricultural systems could be 19-25%, depending on the crop and agro-climatic region. To switch to 100% organic agriculture, a country must have...
More »Who will introduce reforms in APMCs? -Radheshyam Jadhav
-The Hindu Business Line In Maharashtra, Farmers have no right to decide the price of their own produce When Farmers like Suresh Solanke enter the premises of the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) at Dharur in Beed district of Maharashtra, they are not sure what will happen to their produce. Like all other APMCs in the State, the APMC at Dharur is dominated by politicians, who act as directors and run the show...
More »From Narmada Bachao Andolan to farmer protests: Why the media must record history -Kalpana Sharma
-Newslaundry.com Doing so is not being partisan, it’s the role of the media to document for future generations. In his usual dramatic style, prime minister Narendra Modi pulled another rabbit from his topi on November 19. After a year of ignoring the thousands of Farmers protesting at the gates of the national capital, demanding the repeal of the three farm laws rammed through parliament by his government, after dismissing their agitation as nothing...
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