-The Hindustan Times The Delhi police on Tuesday told the high court that the websites booked for carrying objectionable material had been given sufficient warnings and opportunities by the information and technology ministry to remove them before steps were taken for their prosecution. “Contention of the websites that they were not informed or given a chance before the action is false. Time and again they were requested to remove the objectionable content”,...
CBI seeks transfer of RTI case to apex court
-The Times of India Petitions seeking the inclusion of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and National Investigation Agency (NIA) under the Right to Information Act, have to be transferred to theSupreme Court to be heard along with other petitions raising similar demands, CBI told the high court on Wednesday. When the case came up for hearing before actingChief Justice Manjula Chellur and Justice PR Ramachandra Menon, CBI's counsel submitted to the court...
More »Breather for Bengal police clubs
-The Telegraph Calcutta High Court today passed an interim order restraining the Bengal government from de-recognising police associations and evicting them from their offices across the state. The bench stayed the government decision till February 9, when it asked the state home department to appear with documents related to the de-recognition order. “The court wants to see the papers to ascertain what law had empowered the state to cancel the recognition of police...
More »Not to grab executive powers: 2G judge by Asok Kumar Ganguly
Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly,who was part of the two-judge Supreme Court bench that delivered the 2G verdict on Thursday, has written the following article in response to The Telegraph report on Saturday that had quoted former Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee. The former Speaker has since said The Telegraph report had given rise to a wrong impression and his comments were strictly confined to policy, not executive decisions. “What I...
More »Indian law caught in web by Moyna
Can Information Technology Act deal with the dynamics of the Net? THIS is one series of court cases the nation is following keenly. Within one week, in December last year, a criminal and a civil complaint were filed against 20-odd online giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo for hosting anti-religious and anti-social content on their websites. While the judge hearing the civil case ordered immediate removal and blockade of all...
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