-The Telegraph Panel blames speeches by BJP leaders The Delhi Minorities Commission has accused Union home minister Amit Shah, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Adityanath and other BJP politicians of “fanning communal sentiments” through incendiary speeches before the February riots in the capital. It has also alleged that “Police were complicit and abetted the attacks” during the riots, which killed 53 people, and arrested victims rather than the people they accused. One of the key...
We need a root and branch repair of Police, guardian agencies to keep them lawful -Maja Daruwala
-The Indian Express At 158, India’s Police to population ratio (Police staff per 1,00,000 citizens) is one of the worst in the world. It lags well behind its neighbours. A quick glance at the daily news from around the country throws up story after story of Police misbehaviour, great and small. Videos uploaded day after day confirm this is no rarity — a horrific double murder in Tamil Nadu, grossly depraved behaviour...
More »66 children die by suicide in Kerala since March 25 - Neethu Joseph
-TheNewsMinute.com A special committee headed by DGP R Sreelekha has been formed to study the issue while ‘Chiri’, led by student Police cadets will also provide support. 66 children and teenagers under the age of 18 have died by suicide in Kerala since March 25, a day after the countrywide lockdown was announced to contain COVID-19. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan revealed the shocking statistic in his press meet on Thursday evening, announcing the...
More »Wanted: An urban equivalent of MGNREGA -Amit Basole and Rakshita Swamy
-Down to Earth Such a programme is the need of the hour not only as a measure to revive the urban economy now, but also to mitigate any further shocks to it in the future The collective memory of how India lived through the world’s largest lockdown will be seared by images of how our state and society dealt with the country’s workers. Left largely to fend for themselves, millions living in...
More »The pandemic is about eyes shut -Rajendran Narayanan
-The Hindu There is a resonance between Saramago’s literary world and the migrant labour distress in contemporary India The novel, Blindness, by Portuguese Nobel Laureate José Saramago, is strikingly prescient about a sweeping illness. The plot revolves around a mysterious epidemic because of which people suddenly turn blind. The thread It starts with a person driving his car who turns blind while waiting at a traffic signal. He pleads to be taken home and...
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