-NDTV Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa has shot off yet another letter to the Prime Minister. In her latest communication, the AIADMK Chief has flagged concerns of farmers in the State over the "introduction of the Nutrient Based Subsidy Scheme (NBS) by the Government of India from the 1st April, 2010, coupled with an unreliable supply of fertilizers" that she feels is "threatening to deprive our farmers of their basic means...
Legal debate on Singur land status
-The Times of India The legal roller coaster over the state Singur Act doesn't have much of an impact at ground zero because the division bench stayed the order for two months. The stay apart, opinions vary over the implication of the judgment. While high court lawyer and former mayorBikash Ranjan Bhattacharya argues that the tenor of the judgment calls for return of the possession rights on 950 acres of Singur...
More »Mamata government says it stands by farmers
-IANS Minutes after the Calcutta High Court division bench Friday held the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Act, 2011, as unconstitutional and void, the West Bengal Government Friday stated it is committed towards the interests of the farmers and that the next line of judicial action will be decided soon. "We are committed towards the interest of farmers and share croppers. We are always with them and will remain with them. The...
More »Uttarakhand alert for parched city-Subodh Varma
-The Times of India If you don't act now, Delhi will be starved of electricity and water in the coming years - this was the dire warning given by a group of village women, who have come to Delhi from remote areas of Uttarakhand. Their mission is to shake up the government and get it to restart work on several hydel projects in the state. There is indeed a connection with the...
More »Foreign farms in Africa bring investment and controversy
-AFP JOHANNESBURG: Foreign farms are spreading across Africa to grow food and biofuels for global markets, bringing much-needed investments but also new troubles for a continent struggling to feed itself. China, Malaysia, Singapore and Bangladesh are just some of the countries spending billions of dollars in what critics have dubbed a new "scramble for Africa", a reference to Europe's 19th century colonisation drive. But Africa holds an estimated 60 percent of the world's...
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