Total Matching Records found : 9118

Farm output down by 71 lakh tonnes in Gujarat -Himanshu Kaushik

-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: Inadequate rains and Farmers selling land to make way for industries to be one of the main reasons that have led to Gujarat's farms yield to be lower by 71 lakh tones in 2014-15. This was revealed last week after the state agriculture department sent production estimates for 2014-15 to the central government. Gujarat's cultivation area for rabi, kharif and summer crops went down by 32.42 lakh...

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Maharashtra records half of country’s farmer suicide cases -Julie Mariappan

-The Times of India CHENNAI: It is an indication of the distress in the agriculture sector in the country. As many as 5,650 Farmers, including 68 in Tamil Nadu, committed suicide last year, mainly due to bankruptcy or indebtedness, family problems and crop failure, said the latest report of the national crime records bureau. The premier central agency has correlated the data for the first time, amid outrage over growing incidents...

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Uttar Pradesh, T.N. roads the most unsafe, show NCRB data -Rukmini S

-The Hindu Sixteen Indians died in road accidents every hour in 2014, a quarter of them on two-wheelers, and a majority of them as a result of overspeeding or reckless overtaking, new official data show. Tamil Nadu, and Chennai in particular, have high levels of road fatalities. The National Crime Records Bureau’s Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India report for 2014 was released late on Friday. The numbers show a slight increase...

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Pulses and the zero hunger challenge -MS Swaminathan

-Financial Chronicle Hunger has three major dimensions. First, is widespread undernutrition or calorie deprivation; second, there is inadequate consumption of pulses and other protein rich foods leading to protein hunger; third, the diet of the underprivileged sections of our society, normally deficient in micronutrients like iron, iodine, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin B12. If we wish to achieve the zero hunger challenge by 2025, we will have to pay concurrent attention...

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4 Signs That Indian Agriculture Is Headed In The Right Direction -Sanjeev Chopra

-HuffingtonPost Blog   Almost all discussions on agriculture begin and end with concerns about the plight of the farmer, the margins of the intermediary, and the ineffectiveness of government policy to address the real issues of those engaged in agriculture. It is easy to blame the government, whether it's the dispensation at the state, Centre or both. Moreover, both are also perfectly capable of blaming each other, even if they are on...

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