Total Matching Records found : 5617

Size does matter by Medha Nanivadekar

The July 14 all-party meeting, like all of its predecessors, failed to arrive at any consensus on the passage of the women's reservation Bill. It's high time that the supporters of the Bill realised and accepted that the proposed legislation in its present form will never be passed by the Lok Sabha and devise alternate strategies. If they really care about increasing women's representation, they must be willing to negotiate....

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Foreign varsity bill hurdle by Basant Kumar Mohanty

Reputable foreign institutions may not come to India if a provision in a proposed law preventing them from taking back surplus from education activities is retained, a parliamentary panel has said. The Foreign Educational Institutions (Entry and Operations) Bill prescribes a time-bound format for granting foreign universities approvals but bars them from repatriating profits. The bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha on May 3, 2010, and referred to the standing committee...

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Farmers reach pact with Noida authority by Ayesha Arvind

Homebuyers in Noida can breathe easy. In an important breakthrough, the city's villages have decided to call off their recent agitation over land acquisition-related issues. After arriving at a settlement with Noida Authority on Saturday, the farmers promised not to disrupt work at any of the project sites. However, the agreement does not affect the fate of projects in Noida Extension, where negotiations are still on between farmers and Greater...

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The road to reforming Karnataka's mine mafia by Karthik Subbaraman & Meera Mohanty

After sliding a mile backward into a morass, Karnataka'smining sector has just been shoved a metre forward. Since it has taken an almighty effort by the judiciary and a quasi-judicial body, the Lokayukta, to accomplish even this much, what hope is there for a sector that is vital for Karnataka's and India'sindustrial development?? Will the sector - represented by mining firms, traders, transporters, government agencies - slide back deep into...

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Barring soybean, area under major oilseeds declines by Dilip Kumar Jha

Despite a recovery, acreage of groundnut, sunflower and castorseed recorded a sharp decline this year due to low rainfall in major producing areas during the peak sowing season. The three major kharif oilseeds are sown for a month starting June 15 and harvested between October and December. Data collated by the ministry of agriculture showed the area under groundnut declined 28.37 per cent as on July 21. The sowing area under...

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