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Public purpose covers companies by Basant Kumar Mohanty

The Centre today unveiled a draft land acquisition bill that seeks to replace a 117-year-old law, prohibits the acquisition of multi-crop irrigated land and includes in the definition of “public purpose” plots for companies. The government posted the draft National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, 2011, on four websites, seeking comments from the public and all stakeholders. (See chart) The draft makes it clear that the government is not amending...

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Maoist belt teachers seek shift by Naresh Jana

Several primary school teachers in West Midnapore’s Jungle Mahal area have sought transfer in the face of Maoist “threats and extortion”. Since Mamata Banerjee’s government assumed charge on May 20, anti-Maoist operations in Jungle Mahal have stopped, allowing the rebels the opportunity to regroup and “start atrocities against teachers again”. In the past 15 days, at least 26 teachers have submitted applications to the district chairman of the primary education board seeking...

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Government panel says 'Go, No-Go' concept of forest area classification legally not tenable and should be abandoned by Sarita C Singh

A government panel has said the 'Go, No-Go' concept of forest area classification for clearances tocoal blocks is legally not tenable and should be abandoned. The environment ministry's ban on mining in areas of thick forest cover has locked away millions of tonnes ofcoal reserves. According to the power ministry, coal shortage is likely to hold up new power projects of over 17,000 mw aggregate capacity. This has triggered debate among...

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Alarming illegal mining in Bellary, says SC panel

-PTI Ninety percent mining in Bellary district of Karnataka is illegal which has converted the area of green scenic into a war ravaged zone with huge ugly scars, says the Supreme Court-appointed committee. Placing its report before the apex court, the expert body said a majority of companies are involved in illegal mining and recommended the state governemnt be directed to cancel their lease. "It is estimated that the production of mines which...

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NAC proposals to strengthen MGNREGS by Smita Gupta

The Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) — at the initiative of which the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme was rolled out in UPA-I — is taking a fresh look at how to strengthen it. The NAC wants the scheme to move from its “relief work mode” to one that would blend “natural resources and labour to build productive assets.” When the NAC meets here on Thursday, the Deep...

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