Total Matching Records found : 5118

Indian State Empowers Poor to Fight Corruption by Lydia Polgreen

The village bureaucrat shifted from foot to foot, hands clasped behind his back, beads of sweat forming on his balding head. The eyes of hundreds of wiry village laborers, clad in dusty lungis, were fixed upon him. A group of auditors, themselves villagers, read their findings. A signature had been forged for the delivery of soil to rehabilitate farmland. The soil had never arrived, and about $4,000 was missing. The...

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New Arrivals Strain India’s Cities to Breaking Point by Lydia Polgreen

Mahitosh Sarkar came here from his distant village in West Bengal 12 years ago looking for a better life, and he found it. He abandoned the penniless existence of a subsistence fisherman to become a big-city vegetable seller. His wife found work as a maid. Their four children went to school. Their tiny household, a grim but weather-tight room in a dilapidated tenement, had a color TV and a satellite...

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Government jobs elude persons with disabilities

Though persons with disabilities are entitled to at least 3 per cent jobs in the government sector, they account for barely 3,650 of the estimated 5.25 lakh State government employees. Nearly 15 years after Parliament passed the Persons with Disabilities Act (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) providing 3 per cent reservation in jobs, persons with disabilities continue to struggle for their rights and livelihood. Posts not identified “A majority of...

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Kisan Swaraj Yatra to reach Chandigarh on 2nd December

The Kisan Swaraj Yatra, a nation-wide mobilization drawing fresh attention to the “continuing agricultural crisis in India”, and calling for a comprehensive new path for Indian agriculture, will reach Chandigarh on December 2, 2010.   The bus-Yatra started at the Sabarmati Gandhi Ashram on October 2, and is passing through 20 states before reaching Rajghat, New Delhi on December 11. KSY is organised by all India network of over 400 organisations named...

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Azim Premji pledges $2bn to foundation

In the largest act of philanthropy by an Indian, Wipro chairman Azim Premji will give about Rs 8,846 crore ($2 billion) to improve school education in India. Other donations to charitable institutions by any person or corporation in India pale in comparison to this massive endowment. It effectively silences critics who say Indian billionaires are measly donors compared to foreign counterparts, and that they focus on big-name western universities rather...

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