-The Indian Express The officials involved in the scam allegedly shared the login and password details with brokers. The latter, in turn, earned up to Rs 2,000 per beneficiary. Since March, two instalments have been paid out per beneficiary. Channai: THE Tamil Nadu government has discovered a scam amounting to over Rs 110 crore in the PM-Kisan Scheme, with money withdrawn FRAudulently online with the help of government officials and local-level politicians....
MILES TO GO… Organic and natural farming still have a lot of ground to cover in India, says new CSE report
-Centre for Science and Environment * Niti Aayog vice chairperson Rajiv Kumar releases the report, which provides the real picture of organic farming in India: only 2 per cent of India’s net sown area organically farmed, and a mere 1.3 per cent of farmers registered to do organic farming * Organic and natural farming must be upscaled to make Indian agriculture sustainable, says the report * Needs to be turned into a mass...
More »Big rural credit push from RBI, start-ups put in priority sector -George Mathew
-The Indian Express Loan limits for renewable energy, health inFRAstructure doubled The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday brought financing of start-ups under the priority sector lending (PSL) category of the banking sector, proposed more credit flow to districts with lower PSL, and doubled loan limits for renewable energy and health inFRAstructure “to align it with emerging national priorities and bring sharper focus on inclusive development.” In a bid to address regional...
More »New report by American Bar Association exposes the dark underbelly of Indo-US sandstone trade
Often exports made by a country to the rest of the world are seen in a positive light by us. It is because exports not only earn precious foreign currencies (that can be used for importing goods and services or simply be used for building forex reserves), it also helps in generating effective demand for goods and services produced in that country and hence, contributes to economic or GDP growth....
More »Nearly 18.2% households in Bihar demanded MGNREGA work in the current financial year (till Aug 31st) but did not receive it, shows a recent tracker by Peoples' Action for Employment Guarantee
-Third MGNREGA tracker by Peoples' Action for Employment Guarantee (PAEG), released on 4th September, 2020 The latest tracker of the Peoples' Action for Employment Guarantee (PAEG) focuses on the state of implementation of MGNREGA in Bihar. The state has witnessed devastating floods that have affected the lives and livelihoods of numerous residents of Bihar. In addition, the state government itself admits to the return of nearly 18 lakh migrant workers back...
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